The Qax Graphics Calculator is an outstanding piece of software that is built into the QAX Mathematics software program . It can out-perform most hand-held graphics calculator functions and also doubles as a scientific calculator.
Calculator Capabilities:
-Equations: solves quadratic, cubic and quartic equations for real and complex roots of.
-Solver: will solve any equation where there is only one unknown.
-Algebra: factorises quadratics, expands 2, 3 or 4 binomial products, division of polynomials.
-Statistics: will calculate mean, median, mode, quartiles, inter-quartile range, stem and leaf, box plots, skew and kurtosis.
-Conics: sketches and gives details on circles, parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolas in both Cartesian and polar form.
-Probability Distributions: Binomial, Normal, t-Distributions, Chi-Squared, F-Distributions, Poisson, Log Normal, and -Exponential forms.
-Tables: will calculate a table of y and y’ for any x.
-Financial: Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Annuities, Future Value, Present Value and Depreciation.
Vectors: 2D & 3D vectors, add, subtract, find scalar product and cross product. Produces a diagram which demonstrates the addition and subtraction of vectors in 2D and 3D.
Simultaneous Equations: solves simultaneous equations with up to 9 unknowns.
Complex Numbers: add, subtract, multiply divide, square, square root, nth Power, nth Root, Conjugate, scalar multiple and inverse, all in both polar and rectangular form.
Matrices: will add, subtract, multiple, find the inverse, transpose, find the determinant, and scale of matrices.
Fractions: will add, subtract, multiply, divide, simplify and convert to decimal form.
Curve Fitter: will find the curve of best fit for any set of points using many models of regression.
Grapher: will plot graphs and find definite derivatives and integrals along with points of intersection, maxima and minima.